Assessing the Influence of Anthropogenic Causal Factors on Landslide Susceptibility in Bukit Antarabangsa, Selangor
Landslide susceptibility, causal factors, anthropogenic influence, weight of evidence, Bukit AntarabangsaAbstract
This study sought to assess the influence of causal factors related to anthropogenic activities on landslide occurrence in Bukit Antarabangsa, a township northeast of Kuala Lumpur in Ampang Jaya Municipal Council. Anthropogenic factors were chosen based on the township’s rapid growth, numerous landslide records and intensity of hillside development. The study used a data-driven statistical model to identify factors most predictive of landslide occurrence based on an inventory of 20 landslides, and to evaluate the extent to which susceptibility was driven by factors related to urban development. A total of 17 factors were categorized into four clusters (geological, geomorphological, hydro-tographical and anthropogenic). Factor maps were classified to derive factor classes for each parameter. The dataset was then processed using a weight-of-evidence statistical model to determine the contrast value of each factor class. Contrast value (C) reflects the extent to which each factor class predicts landslide occurrence. The C-weighted factor maps were then combined to derive the landslide susceptibility index (LSI). The LSI enabled visualization of the spatial distribution of susceptibility based on a given combination of factors. Susceptibility maps were prepared for combinations containing only non-anthropogenic parameters and all landslide parameters. The study compared these combinations to determine the influence of anthropogenic factors on total LSI. Similar analyses were conducted to determine the effect of each anthropogenic factor on LSI. The results indicated that lineament density, distance to lineament and distance to road had a significant influence on landslide occurrence. A strong correlation with landslide occurrence was observed for land use/land cover, especially in high susceptibility zones, followed closely by the influence of one distance to road factor class. The results could be useful in planning infrastructure corridors in densely built-up landslide-prone areas.
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