Analysis of Cost of Rework on Time and Cost Performance of Building Construction Projects in Abuja, Nigeria


  • Emmanuel Chidiebere Eze Quantity Surveying Department, Federal University Of Technology, Minna, Nigeria.
  • John Ebhohimen Idiake Quantity Surveying Department, Federal University Of Technology, Minna, Nigeria.



Construction project, Cost overrun, Rework, Time overrun, Nigeria


Rework is a menace that leads to undesired and unnecessary loss of efforts, it degrades project cost and schedule performance of construction projects, both at design and construction phases. This study therefore, analyzed the impact of cost of rework on time and cost performance of building construction projects in Nigerian, using selected commercial building project within the country’s capital. A pro forma was adopted for gathering data on rework cost, project cost and time of selected building projects, while structured questionnaire was used to collect information on the likely measures for reducing rework incidences from construction professionals that were involved in the delivery of the identified projects. Regression analysis, relative importance index and Kruskal-Walis test were employed for data analysis. The study revealed a significant relationship between the cost of rework and initial and final project cost of delivering commercial buildings, as an average of 3.53% impact on the initial project cost, 46.60% contribution to cost overrun, and p-value of 0.000 was observed on all assessed projects. For the project delivery time, a significant relationship between the cost of rework and initial and final project duration, as an average of 7.35% impact on the initial delivery time, extra 19 days and p-value of 0.000 was observed on all assessed projects. Team building and education, management commitment, employee involvement, were some of the best possible measures to minimized rework problems.


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How to Cite

Chidiebere Eze, E., & Idiake, J. E. (2018). Analysis of Cost of Rework on Time and Cost Performance of Building Construction Projects in Abuja, Nigeria. International Journal of Built Environment and Sustainability, 5(1).