Factors Responsible for Slow Adoption of Partnering on Construction Projects in Nigeria
Partnering, Slow-adoption, Procurement, Construction practitionersAbstract
Partnering procurement method attracted general acceptance due to potential benefits attached globally. Partnering arrangement was embraced in Nigeria, but the level of implementation is low, the stakeholders hold on to the traditional procurement in spite of its harbored problems. A study that investigated the factors responsible for the slow adoption of partnering in construction in Nigeria is rare. This paper examined factors responsible for the slow adoption of partnering in construction projects execution in Nigeria. This study was conducted using quantitative approach via self-administered questionnaires on construction practitioners (clients, contractors, and consultants) that have handled partnering projects before. The analysis was conducted using descriptive statistic, Kruskal-Walis, and factor analysis. The analysis reveals that there is an agreement in the ranking of twenty-five out of the twenty-nine factors identified. The study discovered that attitudinal and behaviors factor; lack of technical know-how; external, economic, and institutional related factor, procurement related factor, ineffective communication; unethical related issues, and lack of commitment are responsible for low level of implementation of partnering in Nigeria. The study findings would assist the practitioners and decision makers on how to achieve best results from their partnering projects. It would also lead to performance improvement which would subsequently lead to the reaping of benefits. The understanding of these factors would assist the decision maker to plan to tackle it.References
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