Political Representation In Urban Public Space In Jakarta Child-Friendly Public Space (Ruang Publik Terpadu Ramah Anak – RPTRA)


  • Eka Permanasari Department of Architecture, Faculty of Technology and Design, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya, Jalan Cendrawasih Raya B7/P Tangerang Selatan, Banten, Indonesia 15413
  • Sahid Mochtar Department of Architecture, Faculty of Technology and Design, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya, Jalan Cendrawasih Raya B7/P Tangerang Selatan, Banten, Indonesia 15413
  • Rahma Purisari Department of Architecture, Faculty of Technology and Design, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya, Jalan Cendrawasih Raya B7/P Tangerang Selatan, Banten, Indonesia 15413




Everyday uses, political representation, public space.


The design of public space often embodies the power and political representation of a specific regime. As urban architecture symbolizes and establishes the identity of a regime, authorities often use a top-down approach to implement urban architectural programs. As a result, the spaces constructed often display power and identity, but lack consideration of public use. Public spaces are often exclusionary for public use. They merely stand for the representation of the authority. Accordingly, many public spaces built by the government are abandoned soon after their launch. Big ceremonies and public space displays only last a few days before these spaces are then closed to the public or appropriated for different uses. Most top-down approaches focus on the physical development, overlooking the users’ inclusion in decision making. This research analyses the political representation of public space design in RPTRA Bahari located in the South Jakarta. It analyses the political reason behind the development of RPTRA in Jakarta and the way participative design approach is employed during the design process to get public engagement in public space. Therefore, it investigates how the political representation is perceived in everyday life by analysing how the public space has been used three years since its launch. Through observation and interviews, this paper interrogates the political representation in urban forms and how public spaces become an arena where the government’s intentions and everyday uses meet. It concludes that a participative, bottom-up approach leads to more public use and engagement.

Author Biography

Eka Permanasari, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Technology and Design, Universitas Pembangunan Jaya, Jalan Cendrawasih Raya B7/P Tangerang Selatan, Banten, Indonesia 15413

Eka Permanasari, PhD currently works as the Vice Dean in Academic at Universitas Pembangunan Jaya. She has been practicing as an Urban Designer and working as a Lecturer both in Indonesia and Australia. She has published several articles in the field of architecture and urban design and selected writing in regards to the postcolonial architecture and urban development in Indonesia was included in the book of Becoming Places: Urbanism / Architecture /Identity /Power, Routledge, 2009.

Dr. Permanasari joined Universitas Pembangunan Jaya in 2010 and has been appointed as the team leader for several Jakarta Provincial Government projects, such as Giant Sea Wall, Ali Sadikin International Airport, and LRT Jakarta. Together with the former Jakarta Governor, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, She has initiated and made the concept of RPTRA (Ruang Publik Terpadu Ramah Anak –Jakarta Community Center) which are applied to the 6 pilot projects located on every Jakarta Municipality. The concept and design guidelines were furtherly implied in the development of the next 284 RPTRAs spread across Jakarta.


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How to Cite

Permanasari, E., Mochtar, S., & Purisari, R. (2019). Political Representation In Urban Public Space In Jakarta Child-Friendly Public Space (Ruang Publik Terpadu Ramah Anak – RPTRA). International Journal of Built Environment and Sustainability, 6(2), 39–49. https://doi.org/10.11113/ijbes.v6.n2.351