Planners’ Perception on Factors that affects Plan Implementation in Iskandar Malaysia


  • Farid Yunos Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Foziah Johar Centre of Innovative Planning and Development, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Soheil Sabri Centre of Innovative Planning and Development, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia



Evaluating the plan implementation is essential not only to ensure the legitimacy of planning effort but also to increase stakeholder’s confidence in the plans that are constantly being formulated. Compared to other aspects of planning, the relationship between planning and implementation has been less studied mostly because of the complex processes and methodological difficulties. Nonetheless, most literatures recognized 19 criteria grouped under three key factors of plan implementation namely stakeholder characteristics, plan characteristics and implementation system characteristics. This study investigates the significant factors that contribute to a successful plan of implementation in Iskandar Malaysia (IM). The development of IM has been structured since 2006 by the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP). The CDP is a developmental roadmap that provides a strategic framework of visions, principles, development strategies, goals and key directions for a region that is livable for its people. This study employed a semi-structured questionnaire which was administered to senior planning officers in five local authorities within IM. The survey was organized around two themes. The response to the utilization of implementation criteria was structured using Likert Scale. The Friedman test was used to indicate the level of the success of CDP implementation and to compare which factors most contribute to effective implementation. The study revealed that plan implementation is mainly driven by stakeholder’s characteristics, rather than the plan characteristic and implementation system characteristics.


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How to Cite

Yunos, F., Johar, F., & Sabri, S. (2015). Planners’ Perception on Factors that affects Plan Implementation in Iskandar Malaysia. International Journal of Built Environment and Sustainability, 2(1).