Modernity and Transformation of the Architecture of Depok City, Indonesia


  • I Nyoman Teguh Prasidha Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Pancasila, Indonesia
  • Widjaja Martokusumo School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia



Depok, a city in the south of Jakarta, has developed very rapidly in the last 30 years. Until the end of the 1970s, Depok was dominated by agricultural land, but now it is replaced by residential, commercial and services areas. The dynamic development of Depok has been followed by the transformation of the architecture of the city. In the process, the transformation occurs without control. The change of the architecture of Depok city does not only affect visual issue, but also the issue of declining of city amenity, and the emergence of social and environmental issues. The transformation, as a result of modernity, has background of political, economic, and social factors. Modernity does not only mean the present or the distinction from previous periods, but also breaking the tradition of the architecture of Depok city. We formulated a clear concept and foundation based on the current researches and literature, to further examine the issue of the transformation of the architecture of Depok city. The results of this study can be applied to a wide range of interests of continuity and change of Depok city, and also as a comparison to other cities with similar character.


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Internet Sources: Retrieved on 25/01/2014. Retrieved on 07/02/2014. Retrieved on 07/02/2014.




How to Cite

Prasidha, I. N. T., & Martokusumo, W. (2014). Modernity and Transformation of the Architecture of Depok City, Indonesia. International Journal of Built Environment and Sustainability, 1(1).